We see the divine feminine show up in the physical world in spectacular ways through specific Earthly females of great status and influence. We observe vivid forms of her through activities of women who seek or even inherit great power.
These Earthly creatures are prototypes of certain aspects of supernatural females.
There have been countless physical women of power in history and time will continue to generate more. To name but a few; Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Sojourner, Queen Elizabeth, Hillary, Beyonce, Oprah, Allred, and one of my all-time favorite characters – Queen Victoria, Queen of England, Empress of India.
Queen Victoria is a good study on the incarnation of a certain type of divine kundalini mother energy. She’s the type of mother who is non-objectively controlling, completely self-absorbed and regarded as super special -to herself and others. She has only her own emotional survival requirements at heart.
Constantly sexually aroused, Victoria produces numerous children she really doesn’t want, indeed she finds repulsive. She is obsessed with and quite demanding of her male counterpart, Prince Albert. Albert, the perfect consort, loves her with a reciprocated obsession, also ends up leaving her prematurely by dying young. After abandoning her with of all these children, Queen Victoria holds the country in the palm of her depressed hand, excessively lamenting her dead husband for the remainder of her very, very long reign.
She makes the lives of each of her nine children a living hell until one by one they liberate themselves her desperate grasp.
Sad, because that’s us. We are Queen Victoria’s children.
The very nature of kundalini is the Queen of England and we are each her loyal subjects. As subjects we are not designed to use minds of our own, to think independently as an eternal individual self - separate from her. Modern oneness culture and non-dualistic (advaita) belief systems work perfectly with Mother Nature’s design to keep us children entranced. It seems that unless one finds individuality away from her, despite her, because of her, there she will be, again and again, in the form of another body, at the end of every road.
Do you really want to live in your mom’s house forever?
Or can you admire your magnificent mother but from a healthy distance? Distance developed through yogic detachment practices? Detachment - a condition of consciousness where she cannot reach her emotional anxiety energies into the fabric of your personhood.
We can maintain respect for the eternal wonders of nature, of material creation, but as a spiritual person, an adult spiritual person, one does not have to be bound to it, by it, forever tumbled through creation and recreation events involving entire universes as well as personal forms – forms of material energies one really doesn’t control but is surrounded by as the body and mind. These physical/psychic body forms use spiritual energy like gasoline, until the gasoline realizes that it is being used, exploited, and it starts to wonder what it itself actually is. It does not understand itself to be gasoline. It does not understand itself as a potent spiritual something who needs to contemplate itself, unrelated to the sequence of events evolving around it.
Queen Victoria man, she’s a trip.
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